Resini mentions in his book that the stone pillars that form part of the railing were once adorned with statues of lions. Many such statues were removed during the abolition of the Republic when Napoleon conquered Venice and destroyed many of its lions, symbols of the previous 'dictatorial' era. However, in an age of renewal, preservation and efforts to return Venetian icons to their former glory, it's probably only a matter of time before they make a return.
From the Ponte dei Bareteri we passed through the Campo San Salvador, one of those fancy squares similar to the one where we saw the well-decorated Scuola Grande di San Rocco building. This square is home to another scuola building, the Scuola Grande di San Teodoro and its accompanying church, San Salvador, less ornate than San Rocco but still impressive. It's a popular classical music and opera venue now, and when we passed it the posters were advertising an evening of music with a Venetian flavour.